Friday, July 17, 2009

Recent Internet finds

And I'm back! 
Just back.

The innate awesomeness of Goa shall be written about later. I'll begin with the exact opposite.

Perhaps the most pissing thing about Goa was that every third website was blocked. Blocking is something whose brunt we Pilani students have had to face many-a-times but the IPC guys were magnanimous towards  bloggers at the very least.

These crazy Goa people had blocked almost everything, including Blogger, Lastfm and Twitter, and weirdly, LinkedIn as well. The worst part is, whenever you go to the Server Room there's a guy unabashedly watching his fav videos in YouTube - talk about hypocrisy... 

We extracted revenge in the only way we could - by downloading any song and software we could lay our hands upon, which sounded remotely interesting (and was below 20 MB in size). In this aimless search I discovered quite a bit of useful stuff, including the blistering fast Safari 4 I'm using right now, three awesome horror novels by Stephen King  called "It", "Carrie" and "The Stand", and a really cool open-source 3D rendering software called Blender Pro (used for Madagascar 2, Up and other less notables)

My best internet find, though, was the amazing theme track from the Lonely Planet/Globe Trekker. Dunno if people know about it - it's this really amazing travel show on BBC. This theme combines an awesome dance electronica thing with local rhythms and beats from all over the world into a truly irresistible mash-up. 

I shall end the idle rambling. Now. 
I will now shave and get a haircut done. Now.
Yes ma, I say meekly, I will.Khub bhalo.

And now, where is my umbrella?
Eto irresponsible hoye gechis naa! Kichu ekta to harabei...

And thus I am welcomed  home.

(who else?)


Pixie said...

Welcome back and cheers to the IPC guys for sparing blogger :-D

obiwankenoby said...

dude!! that story about the umbrella uncannily resembles mine!!
true story!!
ive been trying to use blender quite sometym now, and i dont GET the interface yet!! i use ubuntu on my lappy and blender doesnt quite get the "hang" of it anyway!!
let me tell this again but, "dude!! that story about the umbrella uncannily resembles mine!! "! lol!